Hibiscus Hospital Shareholders

Dear Shareholder,

Virtual Meeting Information

To access the platform where shareholders should log in to participate and vote in the Virtual online meeting click here https://hibiscus.virtual-meetings.online/login

In order to log into the voting platform you will need your Shareholder Reference Number.

For your convenience, the platform for voting purposes will be available prior to the AGM, but only once voting has opened on 22nd November 2021, members may login to view their account and shareholding.

You will be able to contact Graeme Stratton at INCE helpline on: +27 (11) 305 7345 or +27 (84) 779 4966 or email GraemeS@ince.co.za for assistance in connection with accessing the shareholders meeting or submission of a Form of Proxy or Voting Instruction Form.

The Board of Directors looks forward to welcoming you at the meeting.

Please click on the images and buttons below to access the AGM documentation.